
View 2024-25 Dates and Deadlines


We are here to support you!

College of the North Atlantic offers a range of support services to our online students.

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Accessibility Services

Accommodations are available to students with a documented disability. It is your responsibility to self-identify on the admission application. Accessibility Services Coordinators work closely with faculty to determine reasonable and appropriate accommodations. Please visit Accessibility Services for detailed information.

Contact an Accessibility Services Coordinator at your nearest campus

Admissions Officers

The Admissions Officer can assist you with information on applying for a program, registering for your courses, adding or dropping a course, refunds, transcripts and other inquires related to learner services.

Contact the Admissions Office


Bookstore personnel assist with information about textbooks, processing book orders, shipping, refunds, returns and damaged goods. For more information, or to purchase textbooks/required equipment, visit the Text & Equipment section.

Contact the Bookstore

eGuidance Counsellor

Our eGuidance Counsellor is dedicated to supporting you from the moment you express interest in one of our programs to the day you graduate and receive your parchment. Please visit the eCounsellor page for more information.

Contact the eGuidance Counsellor

Help Desk

A dedicated Help Desk team is available to serve your technical support needs. Click Here for contact information, hours of operation, and more!


Instructors guide you through our cutting-edge curriculum through questioning, encouraging participation, promoting discussion on important concepts, principles and skills, and providing constructive feedback. They will establish agendas, objectives and schedules as necessary and provide strong leadership and direction. You may contact your instructor for course content related issues. please contact your instructor.

For course content related issues, please contact your instructor. Contact information for each instructor can be found on the Instructor bio page in each course.

Library Services

CNA Libraries offer a full range of services to our distance learners, including research assistance, borrowing privileges for our print and video collections, interlibrary loan, and free delivery of library materials to your home. The library subscribes to a number of electronic databases which provide students with full-text access to newspaper and journal articles in electronic format. For more information, visit Library Services .


My CNA is your gateway to student supports and resources such as peer tutoring, library and counselling services, policies governing student conduct, scholarships and awards, etc.

Peer Tutoring

The Peer Tutoring Program is a free service offered to College of the North Atlantic students. The program is designed to help students who are having trouble in a subject area. Students may be paired with a student who has been approved to tutor in the same subject area.

Service Coordinator

The Service Coordinator can assist you with customer service concerns, exemptions/credit transfer, Prior Learning (PLAR), exams (schedule, location, deferred/supplementary, etc.), course offerings, registration, grades, and general inquires.

Contact the Service Coordinator

Student Appeals

All students of College of the North Atlantic have the right to appeal decisions or rulings that affect them both in academic and non-academic matters.

For more information, consult My CNA .

Student Development Officer

Our Student Development Officer (SDO) provides students with services of a non-academic nature such as orientation, financial aid information, work placements for Business and Office students, etc.

Contact the Student Development Officer