
View 2024-25 Dates and Deadlines


What you should know!

This section is intended to provide an overview of policies and procedures as they pertain to Distributed Learning. Please visit the CNA website under Policy and Procedures for more information on policies.

Student Responsibility

As a student, you should become familiar with policies and procedures of College of the North Atantic. It is your responsibility.

  • ensure you have the appropriate prerequisites required for a course or program,
  • know the course outlines, content, evaluation methods and methodology,
  • communicate with your instructors, counsellors, and other support personnel in order to solve problems you may encounter,
  • know the availability of your instructors, and
  • comply with dates and deadlines prescribed by College of the North Atlantic.
Student Code of Conduct and Student Discipline

All registered students at the College must adhere to CNA's policy and procedure on STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT and STUDENT DISPLINE which can be found below and on the CNA website under Policies and Procedures .

Student Code of Conduct SS-201 SS-201-PR
Student Discipline SS-202 SS-202-PR
Attendance Policy

All college students must adhere to CNA's policy and procedure on STUDENT ATTENDANCE which can be found below and on the CNA website under Policies and Procedures .

Student Attendance SS-217 SS-217-PR

Online students are required to participate actively in each learning experience and to complete each assignment by the due date according to the Course Syllabus. It is the responsibility of all online students to make arrangements for participating in the course consistently throughout the term. Where absenteeism adversely affects student`s progress and performance, dismissal from the College may result.

In the traditional classroom setting, attendance is taken as part of the instructor/facilitator’s role in accordance with the College’s guidelines and in keeping with its commitment to help you achieve individual success. In the online environment, attendance, in the traditional sense is not required; however, your presence and participation are required in order to foster and maintain your success. The guidelines presented here help define attendance/participation in this sense.

Guidelines for Participating Online

As an online student, it is your responsibility to:

  • Ensure that you have access to a working computer, to the Internet and to any course-specific software required. In the event that you experience computer or other technical problems, notify your instructor(s) if possible via email or telephone. If this is not possible, call and the Distributed Learning Help Desk for technical support and/or to have a message relayed to your instructor(s).

  • Login to your course(s) at least once a week to complete the required readings and assigned work for that week and to participate in any ongoing discussions. This gives you the opportunity to participate in each of your courses on a consistent basis throughout the term.

  • Actively participate in each learning experience as outlined in the course information page and/or the learning activities pages located within each unit of content in your course(s).

  • Complete and submit each activity/assignment by its specified due date. Late submissions will not be accepted unless prior approval has been granted by your instructor. Notify your instructor(s) as soon as possible if circumstances prevent you from meeting a deadline; at the instructor's discretion, alternate arrangements may be made.

  • Inform your instructor(s) via email or telephone within 72 hours of a major emergency, illness, or death in the family that will result in your non-participation. If you are unable to reach your instructor, contact the Help Desk for assistance.

  • Notify your instructor of any problems or circumstances that prevent you from accessing your course for extended periods of time. Whether your absence is due to technical issues or personal issues, advising your instructor is considered good practice and professional behaviour. If you are unable to contact your instructor directly, contact the Distributed Learning Help Desk; Personnel will ensure your instructor(s) receives your message.

How is Participation Evaluated?

Participation requirements can vary depending on the course as they are determined by your instructor. A detailed description of what is expected may be located in any of the following areas of your course(s): the course syllabus, course information page, course evaluation page, news items, discussion postings, and/or email messages. Be sure to read all notices and to comply with all participation guidelines for each individual course.

Participation may include virtual chats, discussions, presentations, quizzes, assignments and/or other activities as specified in your course(s).

Your instructor may allot a grade or a number of points for timely and regular participation and for participation activities. Failure to participate or complete assigned work may result in a lower grade or number of points.

Your instructor may also view your progress and access times to ascertain whether or not you have made an effort to fully participate.

Failure to participate in your course(s) can adversely affect your progress and performance and may result in dismissal from the College.

Time Required

The number of hours specified in the Course Outline represents the amount of time a typical on-campus student would spend in the classroom per week. For every hour spent in a classroom setting, you are expected to spend, at a minimum, one additional hour on course-related activities. Use this as your guideline for study and assignments. For example, if the course outline states that this is a four-hour per week on-campus course, expect to spend a minimum of four to eight hours per week on your online course.

Access to Information and Privacy Act (ATIPPA)

The Newfoundland and Labrador Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act (ATIPPA) ensures public bodies such as College of the North Atlantic (CNA) are accountable to the public and protects the individual's personal privacy. Please visit the CNA website under About for detailed information.

Student Appeals

Student Appeals - Academic

Policy: SS-213
Procedure: SS-213-PR
Application: CS-Academic-Appeal-Application.pdf (cna.nl.ca)

Student Appeals - Non Academic

Policy: SS-203
Procedure: SS-203-PR