Credit for Prior Learning

Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) is a process that involves the identification, documentation, assessment, and recognition for credit of learning previously acquired. This may include work and life experiences, previous postsecondary education and training, independent study, volunteerism, travel, and hobbies. Application of this policy is limited to learning that is not recognized through the normal credit transfer mechanism established between postsecondary institutions.

To assist with writing a good PLAR application, please follow the PLAR Tips document below:

Apply for PLAR:

Early Childhood Education Distance Learners currently active in the program may apply for PLAR in two ways:

  1. Submitting an In-Semester PLAR application, on a course by course basis, when registering for a course in the semester in which it is being offered.
  2. Submitting a Comprehensive PLAR application, on a course by course basis, in a semester in which the course is not offered.

PLAR Deadline Dates:

Fall 2024

  • In Semester PLAR applications must be submitted by: August 2, 2024.
  • Comprehensive PLAR applications must be submitted by: August 2, 2024.

Winter 2025

  • In Semester PLAR applications must be submitted by: November 15, 2024.
  • Comprehensive PLAR applications must be submitted by: November 15, 2024.

Intersession 2025

  • In Semester PLAR applications must be submitted by: March 21, 2025.
  • Comprehensive PLAR applications must be submitted by: March 21, 2025.

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Students - In-Semester PLAR Guidelines
  • Non-cohort students can only In-Semester PLAR courses in the semester they are being offered. For example, students can PLAR In-semester courses in Fall 2023 if those courses are offered in Fall 2023.

  • Cohort students can only In-Semester PLAR courses listed on their learner course plan for the semester they are being offered. For example, Cohort P students can only In-Semester PLAR courses listed for Fall 2023 in Fall 2023 semester. Students can also In-Semester PLAR any additional courses they have registered for in that given semester. For example, if a Cohort P student decided to also register for EE1440, making this three courses being completed in Fall 2023, EE1440 can also be In-Semester PLARed.
Students - COMPLAR Guidelines
  • Non-cohort students can only COMPLAR courses in the semester they are NOT being offered. For example, students can COMPLAR courses in Fall 2023 if those courses are NOT offered in Fall 2023. Please note any co/pre-requisites for the course(s) you are applying to COMPLAR.

  • Cohort students can only COMPLAR courses listed on their learner course plan for any upcoming semesters. Please note any co/pre-requisites for the course(s) you are applying to COMPLAR.

Please note:

  • Specific information on prior learning (e.g., other courses taken, relevant work experiences, workshops attended) relevant to the course must be provided in order for a PLAR application (In-Semester or Comprehensive PLAR) to be accepted. The faculty assessor determines whether an application for PLAR is accepted, and if an application is accepted, the course instructor determines which methods are used to assess for PLAR.

  • Current learners will be permitted to submit PLAR applications for any courses in the program for which they believe they have already acquired the appropriate level of knowledge and skills, except FW1610(FW1601), FW2605(FW2600), and FW2610(FW2601) - Field Placement II, III and IV.

  • Learners with a minimum of 1 year experience in an early learning setting may apply for Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) for FW1605(FW1600).

  • All co-requisite courses for FW1605(FW1600) must be completed or in progress when a learner applies for PLAR for FW1605(FW1600).
  • IE: Student is scheduled to complete FW1605 (FW1600) in Winter 2024 semester then the student must have 1 year experience by January 3, 2024.

  • Credits awarded for Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition will be recorded on the learner transcript as a mark.

  • There will be no charge for Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition for learners who are enrolled in a College program. The maximum number of credits that can be awarded through the Prior Learning Assessment process is 75% of the number required to complete the certificate/diploma.

Advanced Standing

Learners may receive advanced standing for up to 75% of the content of the program to which they have been admitted on the basis of successful completion of this content in the same or similar programs at another college and as assessed by the college.

Applicants who wish to be considered for advanced standing should submit an application with the following documents:

  1. Proof of high school completion;
  2. Official transcript(s);
  3. Calendar description of the courses claimed for credit.

Learners seeking advanced standing will not be excused from any course(s) until written authority has been received from the Office of the Registrar.

Exemption Status

Exemption status is granted if the course has a minimum of 70% equivalency in the course material required. When exemption status is awarded, no mark is reported on the transcript. The college will consider exemptions for courses if the learner received a passing grade in the course.

The college will accept any course from a recognized post-secondary institution as an exemption if the course can match 70% of the objectives in the current Provincial Plan of Training as outlined by the Department of Advanced Education and Skills.

Application for Exemption/Credit Transfer

Contact Us

For any questions regarding admissons to the ECE DL program, please contact:

Caitlynn Crane or Juanita Bishop
Email: or
Phone: (709) 758-7327 / (709) 758-8578
Fax: (709) 758-7575