Prospective students living outside the province of Newfoundland & Labrador cannot enroll in the ECE online asynchronous Certificate or Diploma (2nd Year) program. Only students residing within the province, and who meet eligibility requirements, will be considered for admission.

Early Childhood Education (ECE) is available by distance education, online through the College’s Distributed Learning Service (DL). Program descriptions, objectives, graduation requirements and the list of courses may be found on the Early Childhood Education full-time program pages .

To participate in courses, students must have an internet-ready computer system and general internet/computer knowledge (e.g. e-mail, ability to save files, install programs, and related applications).

To be employed in the field of early childhood education and to successfully fulfill field placement requirements, students must be able to lift and move children, materials and equipment (up to 50 pounds) on a consistent basis. As well, physical effort, strength and endurance is required in the supervision and care of children, e.g., maintaining balance, kneeling and bending, pushing and pulling strollers and carts, and moving quickly to assist children in emergency situations.

Diploma (2nd Year) Students

Students enrolled in the ECE Diploma (2nd Year) program since Fall 2019, may complete the program on a part-time or full-time basis and have 12 semesters to complete the program.

Cohort Students

Students admitted into the ECE Certificate (Online) program, and assigned a cohort, are required to follow a predetermined course completion path. Students have been placed in a cohort (group of students) based on their geographical location and assigned two required online courses per semester. Students remain in the assigned cohort until completion of their program as outlined in the admissions letter. Please note: Should a student be unsuccessful in a course(s) in a given semester, more than the two required courses per semester will need to be completed in order to meet graduation requirements. If a student does not complete the program by the semester outlined in the admissions letter, the required courses needed to graduate may not be available.

Please note: If a student is assigned a cohort, but has successfully received credits (e.g., from being in the program previously), then a customized learner course plan is developed and is emailed to the student. This customized learner course plan would then be the predetermined course completion path for the student to follow.

Cohort students must register and remain in the number of courses listed for each semester on their Learner Course Plan or they will be discontinued from the program. For example, if a student has two courses listed for Winter 2022, then the student must register and remain in the 2 courses for the full semester. Student may only withdraw from either or both courses if they have successfully in-semester PLARed or COMPLARed the course(s).

Learner Course Plans

A Learner Course Plan for ECE course completion is developed with each student, based on an assessment of any previous ECE or related training they may already have, and any PLAR credits received. Below are a list of Learner Course Plans:

Contact Us

For any questions regarding course selection or questions relating to the academic side of the ECE DL program, please contact:

Rhonda Quehe, Instructional Coordinator - Certificate
Phone: (709) 896-6314

Carla Conway, Instructional Coordinator - Diploma
Phone: (709) 793-4470

Caitlynn Crane or Juanita Bishop
Email: or
Phone: (709) 758-7327 / (709) 758-8578
Fax: (709) 758-7575