Program Overview
Early Childhood Education (ECE) is available by distance education, online through the College's Office of Distributed Learning (DL)...READ MORE
Entrance Requirements
Eligibility for admission to the Early Childhood Education program by DL requires the applicant to meet one of the following...READ MORE
Application Process
To apply for the Early Childhood Education program by Distributed Learning, you must submit...
M. Walsh
Owner Operator Merry Care Childcare Centre;
St. Edward’s Afterschool , CBS, NL, Canada
After opening my centre I completed my Early Childhood Diploma in distance program. It was valuable knowledge I obtained as I still worked. This experience has enhanced the quality program in my child care centres.
S. Trainor
Functional Independence Program Health Care Corporation
In order to complete my ECE Diploma, I value the availability of the program in a Distributed Learning format. As I am working full-time and the the mother of a young child, this flexibility will allow me to complete the two courses I need at my own pace while using my computer at home.