(enter your email in this format: Firstname.Lastname##@ed.cna.nl.ca
(enter your phone number in this format: 999-999-9999)

Click here to arrange a telephone meeting with the eCounsellor.

PLEASE NOTE: If dropping more than one course please click each course and it will pop up in the box to the right.

College of the North Atlantic is an educational body of the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, and is therefore subject to the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 2015 (ATIPPA). Student Services is collecting your personal information to process your request and to update your academic record. It will only be used for this purpose. All personal information you provide may be disclosed to Admissions staff. This personal information is collected under the authority of the College Act 1996 (SNL1995, Chapter C-22.1). Collected personal information will be stored in accordance with our normal network and information security measures. For further information about the collection and use of this information please contact the Distributed Learning Service at 709-466-6907 or email learn@cna.nl.ca. For more information about the ATIPPA please visit www.cna.nl.ca/about/atippa.asp.